Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Some Answers

So I'm answering the questions that Lisa wanted her blog readers to answer.

Where is your phone? Wherever I set it down at after I'm done with it.
Where is your significant other? At work.
Your hair color? Brown.
Your mother? Is the best and I'm glad that she's also my friend.
Your father? Is a big tease and a lot more fun now that he's mellowed out.
Your favorite thing? Peaceful quiet moments?
Your dream last night? I think I had a nightmare about physical therapy.
Your dream/goal? To survive my children's childhood.
Your hobby? Right now it's cardmaking, although before I had everything I to do it with I enjoyed collecting the stuff to make them with--maybe more than the cardmaking itself.
Room you're in? My bedroom/office/storage closet/grand central station.(And yes, that's all the same room)
Your fear? That my health will never return and I'll just keep going downhill.
Where do you want to be in six years? In a home of our own.
Where were you last night? I got to go fight the crowds at Wal-Mart so I could get my grocery shopping done for the week.
One of your wish list items? Good health!
What you're not? An optimist. I'm more of a realist/borderline pessimist.
Where you grew up? Utah
The last thing you did? Finished up some Christmas cards.
Your TV? On at the moment. My kids are home from school now.
Your pets? We have a penguin, a gecko, a goldfish, a crocodile and two pugs. They're Webkinz though, so I only have to deal with them when the kids are online. Actually THEY deal with them. One of the pugs is mine, though.
Your computer? Getting old--aren't they all?
Your mood? Tired as usual.
Missing someone? Yep. Like Lisa, I have a list.
Your car? Is at BYU with my husband.
Something you're not wearing? A tattoo.
Your summer? Was not long enough.
Love someone? Now that's a silly question...
Your favorite color? Scarlet
When was the last time you laughed? On the phone with my husband when I called him at lunch time.
Last time you cried? Same as above. It's usually a daily occurrence.

Someday I'll win!

So I picked a fight with this guy in my ward, and he won...

To be honest, he's my physical therapist and despite the ugly bruising he's inflicting, he's actually trying to rid my back and neck of some nasty fibrosis in the muscles that has been there for half of my life. If there's one thing to be learned from this, it's that injuries should be taken care of right away and actually HEALED, not just temporarily "fixed". These pictures are from the second session of ASTYM treatment. The first session was a lot worse than this, although I don't think the bruises on my back were as bad as they are this time. The main pain initially was in my neck. No wonder I've had chronic headaches for years! ;) I get to have this done 3 times a week now and hopefully it will only be a few more weeks before it's all over with. Then I think I'll get to do some strengthening exercises to help correct my crummy posture and hopefully with some perseverence and hard work I'll be able to have a strong back instead of one that is highly disfunctional. I'm really hoping that in the end, I will be the winner! :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight, the Movie!

I got to go see Twilight last night and I actually liked it! :) In fact, I can't wait until I can go and see it again! Sort of lower-budget than I had expected, but what can you expect from a newer director and a smaller production company? I think they did a pretty good job considering that they were trying to fit 498 pages worth of content into a 2-hour time slot. The wierdest thing for me was not hearing Bella's thoughts and instead watching things happen without the narration that you get in the book--so it seemed a little lacking to me because of that. All in all, I recommend it. The baseball game is really cool, and of course the ballet studio scene is pretty realistic. I even will applaud them for the job they did when Edward shows Bella what he looks like in the sunlight. Rob Pattinson as Edward wasn't as bad as some people made him out to be, and I think he and Kristen Stewart did quite well portraying our favorite characters. Some stuff was downright corny (like Carlisle's make-up job and some flashbacks we see), but I guess you even get some of that in the book when I really think about it. I definitely got a lot of laughs out of it, but there were also times where I was on the edge of my seat. Not all that I had hoped for, but I went into it knowing it could never be as good as the book, and I really wasn't disappointed!

I'm a Alice! I found out through TwilightersAnonymous.com. Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Selfishness...and what would YOU do about it?

I was talking to a friend of mine tonight who has this sister that is a representative of a company that does in-home parties. So this friend's sister did this in-home party for my friend a few weeks ago. Anyway, I went to the party and decided that since my friend doesn't have a lot of money to be spending on luxury items and consequently has so little of the type of merchandise being sold at said party, I decided to put all of my own savings ($260+) towards merchandise from this friend's party so that my friend could get more stuff. I'll admit that I was having selfish thoughts beforehand about placing my own order through this friend's sister outside the party so that I could get the hostess benefits myself, but knew that was selfish and changed my mind. I'm no angel and I'm not trying to sound like one. I'm just saying that selfishness is not a good thing and it certainly doesn't help anyone--especially not the one being selfish. And it feels good to know that instead of helping myself, I actually helped someone else that has a greater need than I. :)

So anyway, this friend's party total was $50 away from her being able to get 2 free hostess items rather than just one, but was already at a level that qualified for an additional free item for hosting a show that met a certain sales amount. Her sister presented her with the following offer that went something like this:
"If I buy $50 worth of stuff so that you can reach the next hostess level, can I have the additional free item that is only available to hostesses with a $350 show? (which this friend already qualified for even before her sister pitched in the $50) You probably wouldn't like any of the items they have and there is one that I really want." Well, being the sweet and somewhat intimidated little sister that she is, my friend didn't know what to say and didn't feel like standing up for herself in this situation because her own sister is asking her and expecting her to say, "Oh sure, you can have the free item" like it's no loss for my friend, who, like I said before, is kind of in short supply as it is when it comes to these specific items. My poor friend unfortunately gave in to this request although she did NOT want to and so her sister took advantage of my friend and got a free item for herself. Now, if this sister was in financial hardship and had a short supply of these types of items (which by the way, she is NOT) I could maybe sympathize with the sister. But in reality, I think greed reared it's ugly head and my poor friend (no pun intended) is now at a loss. My friend later learned which free items she could have picked from (her sister did not make these items available to her to decide before she gave up her opportunity to get a free item) and found that some of them were actually really cute and that she would have liked to have had one of them. She could have had a very cute $32 item for FREE if her sister had not been thinking of herself in this situation. I just have to say that greed and selfishness can do a lot of damage to a person's soul, but they are also very damaging when they are used in a way that creates a disadvantage for someone else. If I had more guts, I would call the in-home party company and report this friend's sister's activity, as I think she displayed very poor business ethics. She would not have requested such a sacrifice of another hostess/customer. Taking advantage of family relationships is just plain wrong and I'm sorry to voice that opinion, but I feel that I must. Enough said.

P.S. By the way, the free item that the sister picked for herself is probably the ugliest I've seen. Too bad--because my friend could have had something really cute! :(

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our California Adventure

So, we made it back alive--Yay! :) Actually it was a lot to deal with for me. I have been wiped out since we got back Saturday and that is the main reason I haven't posted anything until today. So I'll give a short narrative of how things went. (Sarcasm here--if you don't have an hour or so, you might not want to read on! ;))

The kids went to school Wednesday the 8th and of course they couldn't wait to get home because they knew we were heading to the airport. So I was not at all acquainted with the regulations for airport security and found out at the very last minute that we weren't going to be able to NOT check any of our bags. My husband insists on traveling as light as possible, so he hates checking bags and thinks everything should fit in carry-on bags. So I had to do some last-minute rearranging of stuff to be able to pass through security and still have the things we needed. And yes, we had to check one bag. :( So we get on the plane and Trevin is just ecstatic! He hasn't ever flown before so he was excited that each seat had a TV screen in front of it, and that he could close the little shutter on the window, and of course he had to play with the seat belt a little more than I would have liked. So about 1/2 and hour into our flight he's asking me if we're at the hotel yet. I am SO glad we did not drive!

Jet Blue is a great airline--Love 'em!

The boys loved looking out the window.

We made it to the airport and got picked up by the greatest shuttle service in Long Beach! It was this great little mom & pop company called Jones' Family Shuttle Service and they had the best customer service I've ever experienced from an airport shuttle. It was nice to be able to talk to the driver and actually feel comfortable and not have to worry about breakneck speeds and are we going to actually make it to the hotel alive?! It was great. And the driver was funny and made great conversation, so I highly recommend that company if you ever fly into Long Beach airport. (Thanks, Anne! :))

Our hotel (Peacock Suites) was more like a motel disguised as a hotel, but it wasn't terrible. After all, we didn't pay for the room ourselves (Bryant's parents covered that) so I really can't complain.

It was around 8 p.m. by the time we got settled in our room. We were hungry and exhausted so we walked a few blocks to California Pizza Kitchen and had some delicious pizza. Funny thing is we have one of those at the University Mall and have never been there before. After that we headed back to the hotel and got some much-needed rest.

Thursday morning we had to get up super early because Bryant's brother's wife had arranged for all of us to do a Disney character breakfast at 7:30 a.m. We were supposed to catch the Anaheim Resort Transit shuttle at 6:30 a.m. in order to get there on time. Fortunately a brother-in-law shuttled us to Disney's Grand Hotel in his minivan, but it was so stuffed that Trevin had to sit on my lap and Bryant, his dad and Garrison all walked. Breakfast was great. It was a buffet with lots of yummy stuff. Again, this was paid for by Bryant's brother (who drives a Lotus Esprit and has plenty of $$). I think the cost is like $20/person. The kids got a few pictures with some of the characters.

This is Trevin trying to hug Chip from behind because Chip was too busy with Trevin's cousins.

Aidan wanted to get in on the fun with Trevin & Turk (sp?)

Finally Garrison decided he needed to get in the picture, too.

So after breakfast, we headed down to the main gates at the parks. I must have won the lottery or something because this really nice guy who looked really familiar met up with us and let 3 of us in for FREE!!! How awesome is that!? I think his name was Ben, and I really think I know him from somewhere, I just think it's been a really long time since I saw him last. But if you ever go to Disneyland, you should totally look him up because he actually thanked ME for allowing him to do us such a great favor. Wow!!!

So after we got into the park and got our terrific Disney stroller rented, we headed to Star Tours. The boys ALL loved that ride! They were begging us to take them on it again right after we finished it.

Kind of blurry, but this is right before the ride started and they were hurrying me up.

The boys really liked C3PO and R2D2.

Well, the next ride Bryant took us to was Space Mountain. Unfortunately I didn't remember that ride too well and really regretted it while I was on the ride. My poor baby was crying and screaming and of course being jerked around in the darkness, as was I. I don't get motion sickness (well I didn't used to) but that ride did me in. Both Trevin and Aidan came out of there crying and I personally was completely wasted. I was absolutely useless the rest of the day. I think my health is worse than even I had realized, and the stress from just that one ride pushed me over the edge. So the rest of that day was a nightmare. I even started bawling while we were walking down Main Street and my family was about 30 yards ahead of me because I felt so yucky I just could not keep up with them. I think it goes without saying that I will never go on that ride again.

I don't remember much about the rest of that first day except that every ride caused me to have a panic attack while I was getting strapped in and ready to go. Trevin crying on all of them that were dark was not much help. He didn't like Pirates because it was dark. He hated Splash Mountain because it was dark. And he ESPECIALLY hated Splash Mountain because of the vultures at the end of the ride (right before you go down the 50 ft. chute--which is what he REALLY hates, not the vultures ;)).

Too bad you can't see Trevin's face, but Aidan's is pretty good!

All the boys liked Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters, Star Tours, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and the Haunted Mansion.

Haunted Mansion in the distance.

Waiting in line for the Haunted Mansion.

The two older boys loved Indiana Jones--Trevin was too short for that one. They also liked the Grizzly River Run.

The first time the boys did that ride Bryant took Garrison and Aidan on the Grizzly River Run without us because we didn't think Trevin was tall enough. So he and I sat it out and he took a little nap while we waited.

Minnie Mouse happened by us and was nice enough to pose with my sleeping boy for a cute shot. :)

Trevin woke up soon after that and we explored some of the Halloween decorations at California Adventure Park.

We all loved Soarin' Over California but didn't get to do that one more than once. Bryant decided to take Aidan and Garrison on the Tower of Terror, and I have to say that Aidan HATED the Tower of Terror. Can't blame him. That's another one Trevin was too short for, so I stayed with him.

Can you tell that Aidan didn't have much fun on that one?

My husband didn't want to do any of the kiddie rides, so unfortunately we skipped those. I feel sort of like my kids got cheated out of a really good time because they didn't do those rides. :(

I'm surprised I actually have a smile in this picture after a grueling day.

That night we caught the ART back to our hotel.

The next day we got started a bit later than the day before (thank goodness!). Again we ran into that guy, Ben, who got 3 of us into the park again for FREE! We chatted with him for a few minutes before he had to take off and get to work. Hopefully we'll run into him again sometime when we can actually visit with each other.

We basically did all of the same rides we did the day before over again (with the exception of Space Mountain, of course!) and so Trevin and I spent some time hanging out waiting for Daddy and the big boys. Trevin didn't want to repeat Splash Mountain so we hung out in front of the ride and waited for an hour! The line looked short, but was deceptively quite long. Here we are biding our time:

Some guy saw us taking pictures of ourselves and offered to take a shot of the two of us together.

Just hanging out.

Trevin was hamming it up for me in his new hat.

Trevin wanted to get his picture taken with Brer Fox.

That drop is what Trevin was so afraid of.

We finally caught up with Bryant's family and went to get on the Monster's Inc. ride, but it broke down while we were in line, so we decided to go get the kids' souvenirs and head back to the hotel so we could meet up with everyone at the Cheesecake Factory for dinner on our last night in California.

My sister-in-law took this shot of us. We are all weary after two long days of Disneyland.

As we left the parks I got a few more shots of the great decorations they had up for Halloween.

You'll have to click on the last picture above so you can see that the word CALIFORNIA is decked out in candy corn colors. Cute!

Here we are at the Cheesecake Factory having a very late dinner. It took over 2 1/2 hours to finally be out of there from the time we arrived. The service was not what I would have expected.

We got back to the hotel late, I packed up before I went to bed that night and the next morning we caught a shuttle back to the airport at 5 a.m.. The flight home was really nice as I got smart and bought everyone a pair of headphones from the flight attendant. Everyone stayed occupied watching some TV, including myself. Don't ask Bryant about my little episode while watching I Love Lucy. I think I laughed a little too loudly and apparently attracted some unwanted attention from passengers nearby. Oops!

I am pretty well recovered from the trip now, except for the cold I came down with the day we flew back home. The kids actually did have a good time, and I have to remind myself that they really don't know what they missed in Fantasyland. There's always another time to go to Disneyland. :)

Final Twilight Trailer

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Okay, so I'm not doing so well with this, but I have plenty of excuses! ;) I did a yard sale this last Saturday and let me tell you--if you've never done a yard sale before--it's a lot of work!!! I had only about 2 weeks to prepare, but really needed 4 weeks! So we sold all of our baby stuff, and what we didn't sell, we are giving to family that will use it. Can I say that I was SUPER depressed the next day?! I did NOT want to be done having babies, but my health has dictated otherwise. So I'm trying to recover from the stress, the exhaustion, and the depression of the yard sale.

We're heading up to Tremonton on Saturday to visit Bryant's twin brother Brandon and his family for the weekend. I've got to get some cards prepared to make so that his wife and I will have something to do while the guys play games. Then, next Wednesday we're heading to Disneyland with Bryant's family and I'm both excited and also stressed at the same time. I HATE getting ready for trips, and I get to do it twice in less than one week's time. Yippee! I'm also frustrated by the fact that my back is still out of whack after falling down a flight of stairs on the 24th of July at Camp Shalom. My tailbone is still aching and my back muscles are still burning. So I will be hanging out with Trevin on all of the little kiddie rides at Disneyland instead of doing the rides I'd really rather do. I guess it will be a different experience, and I know I will still have fun watching my youngest boy enjoy the new thrills he's never experienced before. I will however miss out on watching my two older boys, as they'll be off with Bryant doing the "real" rides! :( Guess we can't win 'em all! But it will be fun. I just hope I can make it as fun of an experience as possible.

Anyway, that's my little update, and hopefully I'll actually get going here after we get back. Maybe I'll even have some pictures to post! In the meantime--wish me luck! I need it!

Friday, September 19, 2008

So I'm Starting a Blog...

Not because it's something I have always wanted to do, but because everyone else seems to be doing it and having a grand time. Why not join in the fun? So although I can't promise that I'll ever really "get into" the blogging thing, I'll give it a try anyway.